The Taurus ♉️ Season Prompt
Welcome to Taurus season. An earth sign, Taurus time brings us energy that’s typically intelligent, dependable, hardworking, dedicated, and stubborn. Taurus vibes are all about curating homes, making things cuddly, resisting big change, plodding along (to achieve mastery!), consistency and grounding.
Traits: intense feeling, transformation, deep investigation, relationship expansion.
-Taurus season: approximately April 19-May 20
① Make some lists
List out your short and long-term writing or creative goals. Post the lists near your work station (you do have a work station, right? as per Taurus season, why don’t you set up a place you can work?)
② Tell us of the ground
Go for a walk in the nature near you. Pick three elements you see and write their stories.